Well, it has been way too long since I have written a blog post. These past couple of months have been insanely busy. But, I have still been doing my best to make time to read. This is a recent book that I have read... I just love T.D. Jakes' writing style... so, I thought I would give you my thoughts on the book. :)
I would say that the first 2/3 of the book deals with a lot of life-controlling issues that many ladies face- from relationships to abuse to loss, etc. I was unable to relate to many of the issues discussed, but I know people in my life who could relate... and I'm sure that you do as well. It's healthy to be aware of these things to be able to impart wisdom to others, even if it does not directly apply to you. These are the issues that many times keep ladies in the shadows and out of the potential that God has placed within them.
The parallel was made between a leading lady in a play or performance and being a leading lady in your life... hence, "out of the shadows and into the light." The 3rd part of the book began talking about dreaming impossible dreams as you move past your life that has been holding you back. T.D. Jakes used examples of leading ladies in the Bible... instances where God did the impossible... as well as being a good steward of God-given dreams. In the last portion of the book, he wrote a lot about not only being a leading lady for your own life but rather for the purpose of leaving a legacy that would be significant for those following you.
Here are a few quotes from the book that stood out to me.
"Sometimes His promise for us is so much more, so much bigger, than we could ever imagine. To limit ourselves to the aspirations of human musings is to obstruct the limitless potential that our Creator has instilled in us. We must trust that God knows how far to take us, and let Him carry us that that place He ordains. We must be willing to let go of our dreams and remain open to receiving what our Lord chooses to give."
"For the work you accomplish can be undone, the dishes will be dirtied again, the floors muddied. But you cannot take away the indelible memories of time with your Lord, your children, or with those in need. Those gifts establish a legacy that continues long after the last supper is eaten and the last carpet is vacuumed."
"What sacrifices are you willing to make today so that you will have greater resources [not just financial] out of which to give in the future?"
"But the enemy wants to trick you out of these legacy moments by selling you a cheap bowl of soup. If the devil can distract you from the issues of eternal consequence through the use of the urgent, then he can leave the rest to you."
"While what you do onstage is notable and noble, what really counts is what remains when the show is over. What do you have left when the lights go down?"
Also check out one of my favorite books.