Saturday, August 8, 2009

me and Jesus.

There is nothing in the world like a long walk on the beach... sand between your toes and the vast ocean before you as the landscape.  It is such an incredible reminder of how big God is and how near He is to us.  (even saw stingrays and dolphins)  It's continually amazing to me how we can ask God for help but seem so surprised when He answers us.  This summer I have really prayed about what to do in relation to a high school life group.  Let's say that the answers to my prayers have been different than I thought or could have come up with on my own.  I was asked to lead a life group with my sister.  At first, neither of us knew what to think and our immediate response was to resist.  But, the more we prayed and talked about it, the more right it seemed.  We realized how much of the same page we are on, how well we work together, and how much we enjoy being together.  This is going to be quite and "overboard" experience for me.  I don't feel qualified or capable of doing this, and I could so easily ask "why".  But, I know that's right where God wants me and where He can be glorified.  My life has in no way turned out the way I thought it would up to this point... so I suppose that's the way it will continue to be.  Life can seem downright overwhelming and stressful at times.  But, I must be quick to remind myself that I am not the one who got myself here, and I am not the one who can sustain me or equip me.  wow.  This life God is asking me to live is so much bigger than me.  It will have to be taken one day at a time.  So, I'm going to take today and embrace this moment.  After all, God is just wanting us to stay close to Him.  I envision myself holding on to Jesus' hand like a little child... standing on the edge of a big chasm (me being scared to death, but Jesus realizing it's not as big as I think)... counting one, two, three... then we jump together, just me and Jesus... accomplishing something I could have never dreamed up on my own.