Tuesday, May 26, 2009

this day.

morning walk in the beautiful sunshine.... check.
coffee and work at Panera with sis.... check.
leave sis sitting next to nuns at Panera... check.
lunch at a different Panera with Becca... check.
18 year old cashier at hobby lobby's name: Benedict... check.
toilet overflows at coffee shop... check.
man from fairplay calls about wedding photos: he has no computer, e-mail, or internet... check.
slightly late to worship team practice: sit on floor... check.
worship leader is not there:  I lead... check.

Oh what a day it has been.  I am laughing... and loving how God can orchestrate a day.
I started out with Him... walked it out with Him... and shall finish it with Him.
What a glorious way to live. :)

1 comment:

  1. i lovee this post. it sounds hectic and its so soothing. :) i need to be more like that, start out my day with Him, walk it with Him and finish it with Him. amazing words. :)

    i wanted to say thank you for your comments on my blog. :) if i ever do open my business idea, i will definitly contact you about being my photographer..it would be so much fun! :) it makes me want to open that business now! :)

    and about my collection idea. i have posted in on craigslist and have received a few inquires, but haven't sold it yet. i am waiting for replies and if those ladies are not interested i guess ill try ebay. :)

    oh an i lovee your main image at the top of your page. its so pretty! so full of pretty colors and scenes! :)
